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Free Amazon Keyword Tool for Amazon Keyword Research

Uncover the most popular Amazon keywords to optimize your product listings and drive more sales.

Amazon Keyword Tool

Amazon Keywords - Effortlessly Find the Hottest Keywords.

Finding the right keywords is essential for optimizing your Amazon listings and reaching your target audience. The Amazon Keyword Tool helps you discover the hottest keywords and most relevant keywords to target in your product listing content and PPC campaigns.

  • Generate thousands of the most popular Amazon keyword suggestions in mere seconds, saving you hours of tedious manual research.
  • Find highly relevant Amazon keywords and the top Amazon keywords being used as search phrases by real customers.
  • Identify Hot Keyword Hot keywords. Discover the hottest trending Amazon keywords to target for maximum reach.

Amazon Keyword Tool Features

  • Uncover the most popular keywords with our Popularity Score ranging from 0 to 100, allowing you to prioritize highly relevant keywords for maximum impact.
  • Spot trending topics with Hot Keywords, highlighted by a fire icon, to capitalize on the latest buying trends.
  • Optimize your product titles and descriptions with the identified Hot & High-Scoring Keywords, attracting more qualified buyers searching for those specific Amazon keyword terms.
  • Filter the list of keywords to quickly identify the most relevant keywords by Popularity Score, Difficulty, or 14 other filters.
  • Effortlessly export your results and download your keyword research in a .CSV file for further analysis.
Amazon Keyword Dominator
Amazon Keywords

Use Hot Keywords to Boost Amazon Rankings & Sales

  • Increasing your product visibility by targeting relevant Hot keywords, you can improve your product ranking in Amazon search results, making it easier for potential customers to find your products.
  • Drive more traffic to your listings increasing your chances of conversion and boosting your sales
  • Boost your conversion rates by targeting long tail keywords with high purchase intent, you can increase the chances of converting views into sales.
  • Save time and effort. The Amazon Keyword Tool streamlines the Amazon keyword research process, saving you valuable time and effort.

Amazon Keywords - Refine your Search

Refine your search using various filters, including department selection and search modes (Normal, Broad, Precise) to target exactly what you need.

  • Target the right marketplace by choosing from 21 different Amazon Marketplaces to target specific regions and languages.
  • Refine your search and select a specific department to focus your keyword research on relevant product categories.
  • Choose your search mode: Normal, Broad, or Precise to tailor your results to your specific needs.
Amazon Keyword Tool Keyword Search Input

Dominate 21 Global Amazon Marketplaces

Unearth hidden opportunities by researching keywords across all major Amazon marketplaces, including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, and more. Tailor your strategy to specific regions and languages, ensuring you reach the right audience, wherever they are.

Australia Australia
Belgium Belgium
Brazil Brazil
Canada Canada
China China
Egypt Egypt
France France
Germany Germany
India India
Italy Italy
Japan Japan
Mexico Mexico
Netherlands Netherlands
Poland Poland
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Singapore Singapore
Spain Spain
Turkey Turkey
United Arab Emirates UAE
United Kingdom United Kingdom
United States United States

Go Beyond Amazon SEO with Keywords By Word Frequency

The Amazon Keyword Tool doesn't stop at just the basics. We delve deeper to uncover a treasure trove of comprehensive backend keywords the can be found by analyzing the keywords by word frequency. These hidden gems are crucial for outmaneuvering the competition and maximizing your listing's potential.

By optimizing your keywords beyond the surface and using the keywords by word frequency, you'll not only save hours of tedious time analyzing the keywords, but also gain a significant advantage over competitors who rely solely on basic keyword strategies. This translates to increased visibility, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, skyrocketing sales. Don't settle for the ordinary – unleash the full potential of your listings with the Amazon Keyword Tool.

Save hours of time finding backend Amazon keywords by downloading all the keywords in a list of unique words with the frequency count - perfect for ordering backend keywords from most popular to least by using the frequency count, higher is better.

Amazon Keyword Frequency
Amazon Keyword Research Tool

Best Amazon Keyword Tool for 2024

Leverage our Amazon keyword research tool to quickly find and generate thousands of Amazon listing keywords.

Use the best keyword research tool for Amazon and eliminate the struggles of Amazon keyword research. Skip spending hours trying to find the right Amazon keywords for your Amazon listing.

Find 1,000+ Amazon keywords in real-time directly from Amazon in a few minutes or less. Quickly find thousands of the best Amazon SEO keywords with just a few easy steps.

Get Started with the Amazon Keyword Tool in 4 Easy Steps

  1. 1Choose Your Target Market. Select the Amazon marketplace relevant to your product and audience. You can choose from 21 different marketplaces, allowing you to tailor your research to specific regions and languages.
  2. 2Enter Your Seed Keyword. Think of a broad term related to your product and type it into the "Seed Keyword" field. This sparks the tool's search for relevant keywords.
  3. 3Refine Your Results with Search Modes. Experiment with different search modes (Normal, Broad, Precise) to find the best fit for your needs.
  4. 4Analyze & Implement. Once you've identified relevant keywords, analyze their popularity score, difficulty level, and relevance to your product. Integrate high-scoring and hot keywords.

Remember: Don't be afraid to experiment with different keyword combinations and utilize the various features of the Amazon Keyword Tool to uncover the long tail Amazon keywords that will propel your listings to the top of search results.

Stop searching, start dominating.

The Amazon Keyword Tool is your key to unlocking the full potential of your Amazon SEO and your porduct listing.

Amazon Keyword Guides

If you are look to get the most out of our Amazon Keyword Tool - we highly recommend reading all of our Amazon keyword guides.

Start using the Free Amazon Keyword Tool today and take your Amazon SEO to the next level.

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